Feb 2, 2011

One Week At A Time

I was diagnosed with ITP 1/21/11.

I came into the hospital after seeing HUGE bruises on my body as well as the petechiae on my legs (mine was much milder than wikipedia's picture!). My fingers, toes, teeth and nose all began bleeding on the way.

I stayed about 4 days. I was given platelets and IVIG then prescribed prednisone. Went home for almost a week. Platelets went up to 50,000. Two days later they dropped to 7,000. Dr. called me to come back in right away. So here, I am.

ITP patients are suggested to keep track of treatments, bleedings, diet, etc. to help figure out what is going on.

Prednison was a fail.

My Dr. gave me these options:

Bone Marrow Examination.
A drug that I would take for life and be hard on my body.
Or Rituxan that I get through an IV once a week for four weeks.

I definitely chose Rituxan. Even though everyone was very nervous about it. It has extreme side effects such as strong shaking, kidney or liver failure, and possible death. It's used for people with HIV and other cancers as a chemo to help B cells.

Had my first IV of Rituxan last night.
Had absolutely NO side effects!
Not even any common ones.
(though, i did sleep through the whole thing from Benadryl!)
We'll see how this goes after 4 weeks.
Hopefully, my kidneys hold up through it.

Been given more donor platelets, as well and IVIG. Up to 30,000 last I heard.

Not sure what's next. Probably I'll leave when platelets are up again and come back each week for the Rituxan. Hopefully, my platelets stay up between those weeks. I have a feeling I'll be back and forth quite a bit.

On we go.

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